Rwanda ituze web

Rwanda Ituze

cooperative:  Ngamba Ituze Women’s Cooperative
variety: red bourbon
process: washed
altitude: 1600 masl
region: Kamonyi,  Ngamba
harvest: November - Janurary

The women of Ituze selectively handpick ripe, red cherry and deliver it to Ngamba washing station. At intake, specially trained staff float cherry to remove underripes and then visually inspect cherry and remove any defects. Cherry is pulped and fermented for 10 to 12 hours in fermentation tanks. Following fermentation, parchment is washed in clean water and laid on raised beds to dry. Workers rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying and visually inspect parchment to remove any damaged beans. It takes approximately 21 to 30 days for parchment to dry.

In 2008, 18 women who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS came together to form the Ituze Women Cooperative. They were facing many challenges, but they were determined to create a better future for themselves and their families.

 In Kinyarwanda, “ituze” means “calmness”, which is the effect the women wanted their cooperative to have. The cooperative's first goal was to provide support and friendship to its members. They met regularly to share their experiences, offer each other advice and simply lend a listening ear. This sense of community was essential to their success.

The cooperative also set out to generate additional income. They began by farming coffee and pineapples, and they soon realized that they had a knack for business. They were able to increase their yields and improve the quality of their products.

In 2018, the cooperative received a grant from the Kahawatu Foundation to purchase seedlings, shade trees and manure, which further boosted their productivity. They also received training in soap manufacturing, which has become a profitable new venture.

 Today, the Ituze Women’s Cooperative is a thriving business. They have over 20 members, and their products are sold locally and in the capital city of Kigali. They have also been able to save an impressive amount of money through a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA). In their first year, they saved over $1,000, which was used by each member to pay for medical insurance, rehabilitate houses, buy educational materials and purchase livestock.

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